Dr. Manfred Aigner – Expert in Dissemination and Communication Plan
Manfred was a researcher at TU Graz. As a scientist he initiated and coordinated research projects and was also responsible for the dissemination and communication aspects of the projects.
After his academic career, Manfred joined NXP semiconductors as product manager. Currently, Manfred is ISO certified business coach, runs his consultancy for dissemination, acts as evaluator and reviewer for the EC and is a member of the Management Board of Yagoba GmbH.
Mag. Robert Lecker – Expert in Marketing and Press Relations
Robert is a Crossmedia Marketing & PR Manager from Graz working with the agency network "les Avignons". He is specialized in coordination, concept and strategy of (online) Marketing, Public Relations and Social Media campaigns. He has worked many years in the field of professional communication both on agency and on corporate side, i.e. as online communications coordinator for a multinational tourism company.
Being a research assistant during his studies, he got in contact with academic projects. Ever since he has been fond of science and education, which enabled him to teach on various universities and private institutions as well as (still) writing his dissertation in media and communications science.
Josef Lackner, BSc – Expert in Team-Development and Communication Skills
Josef started his professional career as trainer and coach back in 2001. Since then he delivers seminars and workshops mainly for teams of technicians in industry and academy. In the years 2004 - 2006 he worked additionally at the department of psychology at the University of Graz on topics of social learning and teaching methods. Josef is an expert in team-development and communication-skills. He provides a wide variety of experience in enabling teams to fully exhaust their potentials to achieve shared aims.
Dr. Manfred Aigner
[a] Beethovenstraße 20
8010 Graz
[m] +43 650 8316400
Unternehmensberatung für Dissemination e.U.
AT64 3813 3000 0061 0600 [iban]
RZSTAT2G133 [bic]
ATU67488328 [uid]
381674k [fn]