This two day workshop provides training in all important communication aspects of Horizon-2020 RIA (Research and Innovation Actions) at a glance. You will benefit from latest expert knowledge, gain awareness of roadblocks and pitfalls, experience and learn about effective methods to tackle the upcoming communication challenges.
Afterwards you will be aware of important aspects of team communication, management of press relations and other important dissemination channels. Furthermore you will be able to apply the gained experience in your projects or to assist and support project leaders and applicants on communication aspects.
Dr. Manfred Aigner
[a] Beethovenstraße 20
8010 Graz
[m] +43 650 8316400
Unternehmensberatung für Dissemination e.U.
AT64 3813 3000 0061 0600 [iban]
RZSTAT2G133 [bic]
ATU67488328 [uid]
381674k [fn]