A limited number of free registrations for regular attendants of i-Know an EC-Tel (having a standard conference registration) is available. Registration to the workshop is required (email to Manfred Aigner). After registering via email and checking your i-Know or ec-tel registration status your participation is confirmed via email.
The workshop is part of a de-centralized training organized by SFG. A limited number of free tickets is available for EEN staff members. Please send a registration email to Manfred Aigner.
Registration for the two-day workshop additionally includes:
The standard registration fee is € 400.- (excl. 20% VAT). For Registration please send an email to Manfred Aigner.
Dr. Manfred Aigner
[a] Beethovenstraße 20
8010 Graz
[m] +43 650 8316400
Unternehmensberatung für Dissemination e.U.
AT64 3813 3000 0061 0600 [iban]
RZSTAT2G133 [bic]
ATU67488328 [uid]
381674k [fn]